Friday, April 13, 2012

10 months..better late than never

Kinsley is actually almost 11 months at the time I am writing this, but oh well! She has changed SO much and I'm loving every minute! I can't believe that she is almost a year old! Everyday she becomes less like a baby and more like a toddler. It's sad and exciting at the same time.

She loves animals.
She's fearless.. except now she cries when you say her full name.
She is a super fast crawler. She can be sitting beside you one minute and off to the guest bath to mess with foxy's water bowl in the blink of an eye.
She loves to cruise around the room grabbing anything she can hold onto.
Her favorite word is "buh" and da-da. Mama was her first word, but she only says it occasionally now.
She is such a sharer... I love that about her and her da-da.
She is the best unpacker there is.
She eats veggies, organic baby food and snacks, veggie burgers, wheat bread, grapes, baby yogurt, apple juice and deli turkey. She eats almost anything organic and sticks to a fairly natural diet (or anything not processed) and I make pretty much all of her food.
She goes to bed at 7 and wakes up between 7 and 8 and sometimes sleeps til 9!
She takes two naps a day- 1 at about 9:30 and 1 at about 2:30pm
She loves to wave and give kissed and dance
She is still nursing 100% of her feedings but I think she'll be weaned after her 1st bday.
she loves the camera and the camera loves her.

I'm almost done teaching for the year and I can't wait to spend the summer with her!