Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 1

Sunday- Shuggy brought Foxy home and dinner over. We were so ready to get to our house and show Kinsley her room, bassinet, and the rest of the house. Foxy was just so happy to see us, she didn't even care about the baby.

Monday- My mom came over and after a long night of being up, all i wanted to do was sleep. Foxy would bark everytime the baby cried. She brought a yummy meal and dessert. Breastfeeding was becoming more and more painful. I thought I was gonna die.

Tuesday- My mom came over again and brought me a starbucks. Foxy learned the baby crying was fixed when mommy took her in the nursery, so she would follow me and lay down on the rug while I fed Kinsley. I had a better night but I couldn't take a nap because we were off to Kinsley's 1st dr. appt.  I realized leaving the house will now take a lot longer. Everything went well at the appt but they had to draw blood from her heel... Kinsley did great.. but I cried. I hated that someone had to hurt my little girl... even if it was just a tiny prick. We went to eat lunch out for the first time, Kinsley slept the entire time. Mom offered to sit in the car while I went tanning (not spray, finally) for the very first time and that felt amazing! ahhh! I couldn't wait to get back to the car to check on my baby though. Mom made another meal and I took a nap.

Wednesday- My mother-in-law came over and I took a little nap- I had like no sleep the night before. The hospital won't let new moms drive for 2 weeks, so it was super nice that mother-in-law took me to my hair cut appt for my sis's wedding and sat with baby K while she slept. We got lunch afterward and just enjoyed the day with baby.

Thursday- I slept wonderfully! Kinsley got into a good schedule of diaper change and feeding every 3-4 hrs. That let me get a whole 7hrs of sleep! I felt so refreshed. My mother-in-law picked us up for the lactation appt at 2pm. Baby drank a whole 4 oz (which left my boobs feeling relieved). The lady said she would have been happy with 2oz! ha She taught me better ways of nursing so that it didn't hurt so much. That night we got ready and headed to Beth's rehearsal dinner. That was another learning experience of how long it takes to get out the door. We still managed to get there early. Baby K slept the whole time, but we had to leave early because it was way past time for her next feeding sesh.

Friday- I slept another 7 great hours.. and thank goodness, because today was Bethany's wedding! We woke up and went to Southpark mall for Kinsley's first time shopping. We rushed to get ready and made it to the park just in time. Thank God for feeling good and a dress that fit. The wedding was beautiful, the weather wasn't too hot, we kept Baby out of the rain, and she slept the whole time.. until pictures. Right after photos, we had to rush to the car for a feeding sesh, but we could see the rest of the wedding from being parked at the top of the hill. We wished Caleb and Beth farewell as the drove past us and got home to get back to bed.

PHEW! What a week! All of this and Kinsley less than a week old. I couldn't wait to just settle in- just Gray, Baby, Foxy and I and chill. And hopefully that's what we will be doing for week 2.

She's HERE!- labor & delivery

Labor & Delivery

Check-in: We checked in to the hospital Thursday around 5pm, right after my appointment and finding that I was still not dilated. I was surprised at how fast they hooked me up to the IV machine... I thought I was heading down to help Gray unpack the car haha. We were going to go get some food, but they said no more food until after labor except ice pops, clear liquids, and chicken broth...yum. They put me in the bed and strapped the heartrate monitor and contractions monitor on my belly (making my belly look way bigger in the pic below haha)

Cervadil or Cervacil or something like that: They stuck this shoe string looking thing up next to my cervix. After being checked for dilation just minutes before, it hurt sooo bad. The women doctors have shorter fingers so it made it way more uncomfortable. That was probably the most painful of the whole labor process.

Contractions: The cervadil shoe string brought about some long awaited contractions. They had me hooked up to monitors that showed the baby's heartrate and the contractions. The nurse would ask if I could feel "that"... and I'm like, "feel what"? Overnight they would get a little stronger, but there was a nurse that came in every couple of hours asking about my pain level on a scale from 1-10. I'm not that great with pain, so anytime she asked, I'd make sure to pick a number that got me the extra meds haha. They even put this stuff called "nuvane" or (something like that) through my IV that numbed any contraction and made me sleep like a baby. After having tylenol as your only medicine throughout pregnancy, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to have all these meds BEFORE the epidural. 

Pitocin: Friday morning at about 5am, they took the shoe string thing out.. (ouch again).. and put Pitocin in my IV. They cranked it up every so often to intensify the contractions, which I still expected to hurt a lot, but they didn't. They checked my dilation again and I went to 2cm, mainly from the night before, which was great. I stayed at 2 for a while and my nurse asked me to get on the big ab ball and bounce around. I was willing to do ANYTHING to get this moving so I could have my baby that day. If things didn't progress, they would stop the pitocin and try again the next day (nightmare!). 

Dilation: The nurse checked me again and she said I feel about a 2. But then the Dr. came in 30 min or so later and checked and said I was a 3 and they were ready to break my water! He asked if I wanted the epidural now... and I was like seriously? already? I get to be numb from here on out? so weird, but I definitely said I was ready for it!

The Waiting: In my head I guess I pictured every family member coming in to chat before the labor started and then waiting for hours in the waiting room waiting for Gray to come out and announce the baby was born. But instead, Gray and I sat in a room watching tv and texting our family with news. It was amazing having my husband next to me and doing it together, just us... it was just different than I pictured. It was so hard not knowing when it would happen, and how quickly, and if we could let our family know the perfect time to head up to the hospital.

Epidural: The anesthesiologist (wow I can't believe the spell check line didn't come on under that word haha) came in, had me lean forward and I stared at Gray, holding my hands and helping me take deep breaths. I expected one long giant needle going in, but instead I felt a couple needles go in different directions around my spine. I later found out that they put local anesthesia in first, and THEN the big honkin thing. Oh well. It wasn't THAT bad and by then you're ready for it anyway. 30 min later, my left leg was completely numb, and my right still had a little bit of feeling. I could feel a contraction in my right hip and I thought- what if my epidural only got one side! I told the nurse, and she helped me pump 2 more hits of medicine through my -- I just had to ask Gray where that medicine went, and apparently the big epidural needle leaves an iv thing in your back (which I had no idea), but anyway, it didn't fix the feeling. The nurse called the anesthesiologist back in, and he gave me another dose. WHOA! My legs felt like dead weight. I got nervous that my feeling would never return.

Time to Push: The nurse checked me again about 2 hrs later and said I was ready to push. WHAT!? Hold-up! I had just been truckin through everything without even realizing I was going to have to push her out and actually have the baby. I hadn't even pictured about how it would go, how I was supposed to push, how long it would take or anything, but NOW it was time. She had me do a trial push before she called the Dr. in. I pushed as hard as I could (which was weird, because you can't feel a thing, except your hand holding your dead weight leg), and she was like that baby is RIGHT there. She called the Dr. in and all the other nurses. My room was filled with people working and staring at what I could not see. They had me push again and they said, "she has hair!" I stopped in the middle of pushing and said, "yay! I brought lots of bows!" haha. Pushing made your head feel like it was going to pop. They wanted me to pull my legs to my chest to push, but by doing that, I could almost see what was going on down there, so I closed my eyes. I pushed about 5 times total, about 10 min, and all of the sudden they plopped this little baby girl right on my lap!

My baby: I looked at her and I don't even know how to explain how I felt. I really don't like blood and all the other stuff, but here was this baby that has been in my stomach for 41 weeks. It was so surreal, and still is. She was crying a little and they took her to get cleaned up. Then they took time stitching where I tore and I dunno what else, but your legs are up for a while after while they clean up, which is kind of awkward. Right after, the feeling started coming back in my legs... that was a relief. They said my baby, who I expected to be like 8lbs after being a week late, was only 6lb 11oz. and 20 in long. They bundled her up and we just stared at her. She has dark blue eyes, brown hair, the cutest little lips and nose, and she makes the sweetest facial expressions. I love her so much!

After the nurse gave us the go ahead to call our fams, they were on their way. They got there right when she was delivered. I fed her for the first time before they came back. I really thought breastfeeding would be totally awkward and weird, but it is so amazing. Just having your baby look at you, needing you, and you're the only one who can give her something is truly precious. I love having "our moment" together. 

Our families both came in and fell instantly in love. We drank sparkling cider and celebrated. Mom brought me a wrap and it was sooo delicious after not eating since lunch on Thursday. Mawmaw Snider, Mawmaw Porter, Bethany and Caleb came on Saturday night to visit.

After care: The first two nights are the hardest. You're sore and everything is ridding itself from your uterus to put it as sensored as I can. I was so bummed we had to stay at the hospital from Thursday at 5pm to Sunday at 11am but after you have nurses bringing you medicine, changing your baby if you're knocked out, someone bringing you stretchy panties, ice packs, and changing your linens, I was glad I wasn't ruining my stuff at home. Getting in and out of the bed was hard, especially when you need to get your baby fed. The first night she slept like the entire night. The second, not so much. I was up every 45 min feeding or changing diapers, whether they were dirty or not. I was dead the next day. But it gets better, I'll update our first week together in my next blog!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Overdue Blues

Overdue Day 6:
- Stayed awake after hubby left the house at 6am... my mind was running crazy about the type of headbands I was going to make, my coupon list for HT triple coupon, and my stomach was extremely hungry from having a light dinner last night
- organized my coupons and made my list
- trying to keep busy and keep my mind off the slow depression settling in of REALLY wanting my baby to be here NOW... I told my mom I have a void in my heart after holding sarah's baby... I feel like my baby was here and now I need to go back and pick her up because she is missing.. i hate it.
- drank some red ras leaf tea, and may have used my pump.. more braxton hicks, but nothing major
- worked on crafting together the bridal bouquet of ribbon for Beth... that was a lot harder than I thought
- Went to target and got some more last minute things- more hangers, nursing tank, and grannie panties
- somehow the baby hamper fills yet she's not even here yet... did another load, plus 2 more of other house stuff
- cashed in some triple coupons and saved $40
- got new makeup at Ulta thanks to hubby cashing in some metal at work and he gave me some spending money :) I get so happy in that store.
- cooking steaks tonight for our last meal at home just the two of us
- hopefully we'll get the base of our carseat figured out tonight
- I may stay awake just going over everything I need to pack tomorrow and take to the hospital
- I'm sad Foxy will be at home :( I want to take her with us to the hospital. I hope she's not lonely and just thinks we're at work or something for the night.
- I'm SO EXCITED about our little girl I just can't stand it! Friday is going to be AMAZING no matter how long it takes!

Overdue Day 5:
- went to see Sarah and baby Bryleigh at the hospital. It was so awesome holding that brand new baby! She started to cry, but then some patting and paci made her stop and that was GREAT, since normally, I get a baby, they cry and I pass them on haha. But I felt a little more prepared just talking with the new mommy and holding the baby.
- Starbucks
- Laguna Beach- episode 3-6
- now says 360 days til my baby's 1st bday
- got a bunch of supplies to make cute headbands for Kinsley and made 2 so far

Overdue Day 4:
-Laguna Beach Season 1 Episode 1-2 on Netflix
- found out my friend was in labor a few days early that was due after me... bummed but super siked for her! also, got the pic of her new baby and fell in love with her cuteness!
- Went to mom's and she let me use some khol's bucks to have a little retail therapy.. bought clothes for post-pregnancy though trying them on was a little bit of an issue ha. not to mention the people staring at me like, you know you're in the wrong section, right?
- Mom treated me to a piece of almond cake with buttercream icing from Nona's bakery... diet starts soon, so might as well. I got mom an almond cupcake w/ almond icing, and the girl asked if I was craving almond ha.
- Mom and I went to party city and got a few bubble gum cigars and a sign for the yard
- we also went to target and picked up a baby gate, little pink shoes, a thermometer or 2, and a portable diaper changing pad. All that walking and shopping did not push the baby out.
- played scrabble with hubby while eating a sweet tea cupcake from Cupcrazed that hubby surprised me with. (yes, another cake and I don't feel guilty).
- No contractions or cramps or broken water or anything else occurred after.. still pregs.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Maternity Splurges

What to Buy (things that made pregnancy BETTER)
Worth the Splurge:
- heidi klum maternity skinny jeans from a pea in a pod- i wore these the whole pregnancy and loved them. They are the only bottoms I bought!
- 1 long tank top (luckily I had one and it fit throughout), but it's perfect to keep your belly from sticking out the bottom of your not-so-long other shirts. You could also get a belly band, that you wear over your pre-maternity pants, so you don't have to button them.
- mama mio belly butter- it's $30 a jar, but one time I got 3 jars for $30 on amazon by accident. I'm on my 5th jar, so go easy. It's smells and feels so good (so much better than baby oil) and I'm stretchmark free.
- spray tan membership- every girl wants to feel pretty... especially during pregnancy. I went once every week or 2 and it always lifted my spirits from the pregnant uglies.
- gym membership... even if you just get a $10/month planet fitness membership, working out has definitely made me feel better, kept the weight gain down, and I had no swelling. I like taking my headphones and heart-rate monitor and do the elliptical just for 30mins while watching a show, then doing some arm weights. It sucks not seeing a "result," but just don't think about it and just know it'll be easier to get back into it after.
- a Bra that fits your growing boob- I didn't get one until a week before my due date and that was waiting WAY too long... when you grow from a B to a DD, you may not even notice since you don't get measure that often, but definitely go get re-sized 3rd trimester and find one that makes you feel so comfortable/ like the angels are singing. A front closing one would be best so you can wear it everyday and when you start breastfeeding, you won't have to take off your whole bra.
- Go PART TIME or don't work (at least the last trimester)... luckily my job allowed the flexibility to work at home and I was able to eat/pee/relax/ sleep when I wanted.. that was such a luxury. I think that's been a reason why I didn't have swelling since I was confined to sitting or standing all day. Not to mention the flexibility with getting to my doctor's appointments every week, eating better, and getting to the gym.

Splurge if you can:
- Massage at Destination Maternity's Edamame Spa- soooo fantastic... I did the 30min mama mio massage and it was the best thing ever... and I normally don't really like massages. She is trained to work specifically on pregnant women, so she knows all the right places. They also have a groove where your belly fits to lay on your stomach.
- FOAM mattress- I had a 3-4 inch foam topper that allowed me to sleep on my stomach the whole pregnancy.. I didn't buy it FOR pregnancy, but it was definitely a wonderful thing to have, especially towards the end.

Friday, May 13, 2011

40+1 day overdue

UGHHHHHHHHHH..... still preggers... If it weren't for all the BIG, HUGE things coming up in the next week or 2 (job interviews, gigs, my SISTER's wedding and events, etc) I wouldn't be SO down about still having her in my tummy. For someone who wanted to have an elective induction at 38 weeks- this overdueness sucks.

It's also sad to see is now counting down til my daughter's first bday... 364.. when I still have yet to give birth. haha.

BUT I definitely shouldn't be complaining.. I have no swelling, no cravings, no sickness, no leakage, I can still move around and do stuff, I'm sleeping like 10 hours a night (tho I'm now a late nighter and a late sleeper), and whenever I have pain, the heating pad works wonders. I admit, for being 40+ weeks, I'm really doing pretty well and I'm definitely thankful.

The night before my due date, I had a rush of really bad contractions, lasting about 10min with no break inbetween. I had chills and was sweating and I had no idea what to do. We know to call when they're 5 min apart, but I felt no break inbetween and wasn't sure what that meant. I knew I could NOT go to the hospital looking like I did, so I jumped in the shower trying to wash my hair and have the heat soothe the pain. They got worse and I was so hot I couldn't even THINK of blowdrying my hair. I stuck my body in the fridge, had Gray rub where the cramps started in my back and got the heating pad in the microwave. Laying down made them worse, but walking wouldn't make them go away. I was excited that SOMETHING was happening. BUT then the heating pad started making them feel less and less painful and finally went away. I thought maybe that night we'd wake up to my water breaking or the real thing, but no luck.

I had my 40 week check up on Thursday, only about a pinky finger dilated and still 50% effaced (though I don't think he even checked) and baby is still doing great. blood pressure, great. heart rate, great. Really can't complain about good health. They are still so surprised I can get up from the table on my own ha. The internal exam hurt a lot this time.

We set a date for an induction on May 20th. I'll go thursday afternoon for another internal exam, and if i'm less than 3cm dilated, i'll head over to labor and delivery for the night. If I'm on the labor track, they'll send me home and i'll come back the next morning.

HOPEFULLY, she'll come before then, but I'm just so happy to see the end. At worst, I'll be waiting another week to meet our little doll baby, and these weeks have been flying by to be quite honest.

Here's the bump/ undeniable pregnant belly (as Gray likes to call it) at 40+1.

Friday, May 6, 2011

39 weeks and still prego!

I am DYING to meet my baby girl! Especially when I get cute outfits for her. Shug let me get some of the cutest things i've ever seen off Etsy to go with Kinsley's dress for Beth's wedding (may 27th)! I can't wait to put her in EVERY outfit she owns and take pics. Yes, I am going to be one of THOSE moms... but who would have thought any different ;)

No new updates, really. Just truckin along, playing that waiting and wishing game. Everything is still perfect at the doctor, and on track for a perfectly healthy baby they are estimating to weigh in the low 7lbs. Crazy! I really thought I'd (and MAYBE I still will) have a little 5 pounder haha. Guess it's not too bad considering the horror story of the 11 pound baby I saw someone had- now THAT'S insane.

I RE-packed the hospital bag today. I made sure to have a couple outfit options for baby K with matching bows/bonnets/ or headbands.

I've been learning that the delivery date of Baby is not in the hands of men. Whether people are wishing she's late or wishing she's early doesn't matter. God has the perfect date already in mind. I have to keep looking to Him, instead of the way I feel or else my problems become bigger than I can handle. I'm sure all you other pregnant people can relate to how irritating it is when people assume what happened to THEM in labor will happen to YOU. So far my pregnancy has been completely different than all the other pregnant people I know, and they are all different from each other. I'm learning to just be content with the way God planned this out for ME.

I am also becoming OBSESSED with clothes and window-shopping. For some reason, clothes you can once again fit into very soon, become that much more appealing. I cannot WAIT to get back to normal clothes that aren't showing a bump, my cycle classes, sgt roy kickboxing, and tanning. All in due time, but after 9+ months of none of this, it's like Christmas to me, but BETTER.

For the 1st 6 weeks I can't work out which will be sooo annoying, but I'm sure I will be breaking that rule a little and at least putting Kinsley in her adorable cow stroller to take strolls around the neighborhood as soon as I have some energy. I'm still managing to get 30min-1hr in at the gym at 39+ weeks and it feels great!

They won't induce until 13 days past my due date (which is may 25th!), so keep praying she'll come soon! We've got some great things coming up in the month ahead!