Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Maclaren- months 5&6

5 months
Blowed raspberries all day long
She loves it sing and sings herself to sleep sometimes
Rollie poly - rolls front to back and back to front
Still wakes up at least twice for feedings at night
Loves crinkle

6 months
Gives kisses/ eats my face
Loves the water now 
More of a schedule- eats then naps 10:30; 1:30 and 5:30 almost on cue
Loves her reflection
Faves: deer park water bottles, diapers and the wrap they came in, yogurt- she gets big eyes, grunts and throws herself toward these things
She will not just lay and get her diaper changed- she either helps herself to a diaper to play with or tries to roll to her tummy, sings, or tries to grab any other decor on the dresser
Softest skin ever.
Loves her dolly that makes baby coos and giggles. 
Finds Kinsley hilarious.
Attachment issues.
Rolls everywhere and tries to push her feet and knees up to crawling position.
Has more blowouts than Kinsley ever did.
A little high mateinance.
Looks like Gray. I know. I hear it all the time. 
Sings her own little song.
Gnaws on her thumb.
Can sit up for only a second or two.
Loves tags. 
Likes to watch Martha speaks, curious George, small potatoes and other cartoons.
Loves her plastic play keys and talking baby doll.
Not a fan of bananas.
Likes baby jar earths best peach oatmeal banana blend and just peaches. - keeping her on all organic like we did Kinsley. 
Started taking bottles.

Dear Maclaren, 
I love your smile and giggles and little songs. I love they way you look at me with so much love and I hope our bond never changes. I love the way you look for me in a room or cry instantly when taken away from my arms. I often need both hands but my arm feels empty and sad without you in it. I love watching you take in new things. You look back at me for reassurance when people come talk to you. I love reading stories to you and Kinsley at night in her big girl bed. I hope we do that for many years. I can't wait to watch the bond between you girls get stronger. You already know what you want and try to go after it. We all love you sweet girl!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Passover day 2014

Passover was a time to celebrate the freedom from slavery and bondage. The Israelites put lambs blood over the doorway and the angel of death passed over. There are two things I think about every Easter- death and life. This past Sunday we had a lady speak on the deliverance part of the story and the overwhelming reoccurrence of God restoring-making new out of old, life out of death, beauty out of ashes. 

It's so true how our human minds don't compare to God's. Our ways are not his ways. We can never look at a barren woman and say no child will come from her. We can't look at a woman selling her body and say she will never be free. We can never look at someone so dead in their life, so numb to affection and say they will never have worth.

I think about this Passover and how much I have been delivered. At the end of high school, I would have given up hope on me. The devil had me chasing temporary feel-goods, living in the moment and living for myself. I'm thankful that he turned my life around. I'm thankful that He loved me without conditions. He pursued me in spite of how much I had hurt him. He never forced me to say sorry or condemned me as unuseable. He picked up my ashes and told me I was made for a purpose. I gave him control. Stopped running from Him, stopped hiding all my secrets. The Lamb that shed his blood for me also put the blood over the doorway of my heart. The death angel passed over me. I was led out of bondage. I was set free.

A baby born in a manager would be our Savior. A man riding on a donkey would be our King. A dead man in a tomb would be raised to life. What will God do in your life? What has he already done that we can thank Him for this Easter? 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Shuggys birthday

Shuggy turned five today, according to kinsley. We had a great day! We brought shuggy a Starbucks then headed out to shop at Gibson mill. Aunt lauri and chason stopped by for a surprise visit and brought lots of goodies. Then we went to lunch at Mimi's Cafe and then ended the day with cupcakes from Nona's bakery. Delish! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's been going on

I just got my blogger app to work on my phone.. So hope I can load pics and post more often without having to find my phone cord, import, upload , etc... I can just do it fast on the go... So here's what's been going on (in pics)..

90 day health challenge

So my husband and I started a health challenge for 90 days on jan 1. About 2 months after giving birth to Maclaren these "before" photos were taken. Let's be honest.. Nobody likes taking before pics... Or any pics at all.. But I love seeing the progress. I love knowing that where people are, aren't where they started.. Amen?! That goes for all things pretty much.

I didn't really "diet" just went back to the way I was eating before plus no sweets. I was doing one sweet treat a week but I got to a plateau, so I decided to nix those for a month or two. 

Most of the meals I make are on my Pinterest board but some of my faves are  the chicken hummus bowl at panera, strawberry shortcake smoothie from the home market, justins peanut butter with bananas and honey in a whole wheat wrap. 

I also started doing reformer Pilates after hearing all the rage from celebs and other random people I follow on Instagram (like JJ Redicks wife who teaches Pilates and has amazing style). I've heard it was a great way to get your body in shape after having a baby plus balance, posture, flexibility and "me time"... But I HATE mat Pilates so I was curious what this reformer machine was. It was awesome! Now I'm addicted (although my body and my budget can't do more than once a week). 

In 90 days I brought my waist down from a 27 to 25.5 and my hips from 35.5 to 33.25. Down from stretchy pants to 1 size closer to my pre-pregnancy size. It's a slow road, but I'm okay with that. Taking pics to document progress motivates me. Sometimes looking in the mirror everyday getting ready doesn't show the change.

After de-cluttering my closet, Gray let me use some of our tax refund to go shopping. More than size and weight, I love feeling good in my clothes! Feeling good drives out the excuses of not wanting to go places or not wanting to get ready. Now I'm ready to go places and I don't have to stuff myself in a pair of yoga pants to get there lol. Everyone's "feel good" weight and size differ but it's important to find what works for you and if it doesn't, switch it up! Don't strive for perfection but for improvement. Don't crash diet, eat foods rich in nutrients and eat to fuel your body (and baby if you're nursing). 

I'm so proud of my mom for recently changing her diet to combat hereditary cholesterol problems. She researched the natural way to do it and cut out processed foods as much as she could and brought it down significantly more than her medicine ever did. Way to go momma! 

Cheers to feeling good!