21.8 lbs (25-50%)
head circ. 46cm (25-50%)
height: 30 1/4 in (10-25%)
She got her scheduled shots as well as a flu shot. Since we go to a small school and my schedule has increased, I want to keep her protected and healthy.
Recently she has added these voluntary words (even though she repeats everything you say):
- help
-no way
- named her babies and bear (Ellie, Emily, Abby, and Kara)
- she can put 2-3 words together explaining what she wants (Kinsley milk, daddy bite candy)
- good
- daddy
- she's been saying rock, walk, stroller, hide, and a few others but I think I forgot to note them
- medicine
- rug
- cool
She likes to hide and then start calling her name when she wants us to come find her.
Her favorite things to do are go on walks, play outside, color, play kitchen, do puzzles, run, play baby dolls, and take baths.
She's getting more independent and doesn't want you to help her when she's embarrassed. If she falls and you help her up against her will, she will lay back down and do it herself.
We need to start working on how we are going to apply punishment for this toddler stage of insistent "no's" and wanting to hit.
She imitates everything and she is a natural nurturer. She loves to cuddle her babies, rock them, feed them, change their diaper and show other friends how to do it. She doesn't like it when I pretend to cry or if she thinks my feelings are hurt.
She love's singing and dancing-- especially to Taylor Swift.
Our house has had 2 or 3 showings this month, so we are finally getting some interest now that the holidays are over. We are still planning on building in Mint Hill so we are just being patient and looking to God for direction.