Thursday, February 24, 2011

29 Weeks!

11 more weeks to go! (But hopefully less). I passed my glucose test- yay! No more yucky drink. I did have to not only start, but double my iron Rx, but I took the first one last night and no side effects so that was good. I broke my bra. Wonderful. Nothing says growth like a strap that detaches itself from the backing while you're out. lol.

Kinsley is moving more than ever! I can feel what side of my womb she's on... and sometimes I think she's completely stretched out with a pulsing foot on one end and a fist pump on the other haha.

We went to the Tot Trade Charlotte tonight at the Fair grounds. It's like a huge consignment sale with everything baby. They have everything from bottles and bibs to strollers and clothes. TONS of clothes! I got a breast friend that runs $47 retail for $10! Plus A LOT of clothes, bows, and other goodies! Kinsley is already SO blessed by her grandmas! It only lasts til Saturday, but they have 2 a year. Here's the link if you're interested. 

Still no cravings. Weight is holding steady at 145ish (hoping not to gain much more). Working out has definitely made me feel better about my body and making sure the weight I am gaining isn't from just being lazy ha. Baby will grow a lot these next couple months, but I'm crossing my fingers she won't be an 8 or 9 pounder. haha.

We went on a "babymoon" to the Surfside this past weekend. I only get 2 or 3 more weeks of traveling more than an hour away. While we were there, Gray took me maternity shopping at Motherhood Maternity and we picked up some really cute things for pretty good prices. I got 2 shirts, a maxi dress, and a workout shirt that all fit my bump!

Here's the Bump:

Next week is the 4D ultrasound- getting super siked! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Third Trimester!

Finally! It's the home stretch! 28 weeks/7 months. Our baby is now between 2 and 2.5 lbs.

I had the glucose screening test today at my Dr. appt. Talk about GROSS! I'm sure most people that love orange soda or thick, sweet drinks would have LOVED it... but when they started pouring a large cup of that orange liquid, and told me to chug it within 5 mins.. I seriously thought I was going to puke. Couldn't I just eat a piece of cheesecake instead?

Iron levels are still low... guess I'll go get the Rx. I thought just maybe I could get by without them since I haven't had any more fainting spells, as long as I take the prenatals asap when I wake up, but my blood results came back even lower in iron content. Bummer.

Baby is completely fine and healthy. No other concerns going on. I've been feeling great back at the gym and feeling a little more comfortable about my new bump. It's crazy to be 6+ months preggers and no one ever have a clue. BUT on the 27th week a brave man asked how far along I was at Starbucks. I was almost shocked and fumbled since I hadn't been asked before. It was pretty exciting.

Kinsley's room is almost complete. All the furniture is in there (thank you hubby for carrying our new hutch from the bed of your truck all the way up the stairs by YOURSELF!!!) I'll post some more pics after we get the hutch painted.

Still not craving anything weird or unusual. Appetite has actually gone down quite a bit.. just trying to stay with the mini meals instead of the big huge meals that take so long to digest. I do have to pee quite a bit more though. It's pretty ridiculous when I had to go three times at the Cheesecake Factory haha.

She is a very active baby. She's supposed to be heading to the exit (as far as positioning goes), but I still feel and see her little feet and hands (i'm guessing) kicking and punching around my belly button.

I'm so excited for March 3rd to come and get the 4D ultrasound! I can't wait to see what she looks like! So crazy what technology can do these days!

Gray asked if this song could be played in the delivery room....

hahahaha the funny part is the instructor played this song in my spin class the other day and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time!

Here's the Bump:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

26 weeks!

This week has been a lot better than the last. Finally the countdown until due date is less than 100 days- whew hew! It's so crazy to think I'm already 6 1/2 months! 

She's about 2 lbs! Finally, I can feel like a portion of my weight gain is her haha. It feels like a lot of fluid and bloatedness at times though. The nurse said at the beginning that'd I'd probably start really showing at 28 weeks... maybe then people will actually know I'm pregs instead of thinking it's just a pooch ha. says she's the size of an eggplant! And that I should be getting Braxton Hicks contractions soon! Weird. I had no idea.

Still no real cravings, lots of movement from the lil one, and finally better from last week's infection. We have a Dr. appt tomorrow, so we'll get the scoop on how we're doing.
The Bump at 26 weeks: