Things she's saying now...
pink, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, brown, orange
1, 2, 3, 4 ,5
A, b, c, d yay!
all gone "gol gone"
heart "hawt"
art work
fake cries like a baby "waaa, waaa"
bath "baff"
She's starting to develop more of her own thoughts. I ask her what she wants for breakfast (without giving any options) and she says "bagel" or "juice". I ask her what her favorite animal (again, without options) and one day she'll say "cow", one day she'll say "roo" (kangaroo), and sometimes a "baaa" sheep. She has started saying some actual animal names, but mainly sticks to sounds like "woo-woof" and "baaaah."
She LOVES to color. Every day she wants to pull out the roll of paper, take her clothes off and color with markers. She wants Gray to draw a heart and me to color wherever she points. Hopefully she'll enjoy her Christmas gift ;)
Thanksgiving with MawMaw Snider 2012:
We had a photoshoot with my friend and fellow photog Lauren Cardwell. She did our photos last year and I was so happy when she was able to do them again! You can see the sneak peek here. But here are a couple of my faves.
In the car she likes to read books and sing. Over our trip to Raleigh she liked to sing "Baby it's cold outside" over and over with Shuggy.
She was spoiled rotten during Raleigh Christmas. 2 down, 6 to go! Aunt Lauri bought her a million outfits from "Matilda Jane." Never heard of it but absolutely DIED when I saw. I am seriously doing a whole photoshoot in every outfit (the first one is below ;). OBSESSED. On the way home Gray bought a storage box so I could empty out her closet to make room for all of it! ha!
We put our house on the market about 2 or 3 weeks ago. That is SUPER hard to keep looking perfect and clean for potential showings with a 19month old. She is very good at putting things back, though.
She is loving school. She never cries when I drop her off and when I pick her up she is always happy to show me what they were working on. She brought home a lot of "art work" and handmade ornaments.