16 months and a whole lot of fun!
-blowing bubbles "bubble, bubble"
- coloring! she colors every day at school and our fridge is being taken over! I love it! She will find her crayons from cowfish, and get a piece of artwork from the fridge and continue to color it
-making music (she loves to play with this little piano i got and her teacher says she likes the tambourine). She also loves to sing. She definitely has that in her genes!
- dancing
-watching bubble guppies
-singing this little light of mine (holding up and swaying 1 finger) and happy and you know it (raising her hands to shout amen!)
New Words-
-shuggy (sounds like duh-gey)
-jesus( sounds like "dezus"
-pap (papa)
-kinsley (sounds like: densdee)
-nah nah (no)
- duh duh with arms and hands swiping in the air (done)
-straw (sounds like stah)
-thank you (sounds like dan-du)
- love you (sounds like lud-dew)
-puffs (sounds like puts)
*there's probably more that i'm forgetting
Funny Things:
-dada tries to "get her nose" and the other night at dinner she was trying to get her own
- she likes to take every condiment out of the bottom self on the fridge door and sit them on the floor. Sometimes i find hot sauce in the cabinet and dressing in her chair. Thank goodness i'm watching her do it, otherwise we'd be missing things for a while
- sometimes when Gray and I greet each other we say "hi's" -- it's like our own special kinsley talk/language ha!
-we started hanging her artwork in the guest bathroom.. we showed her it to her when she woke up from her nap. Later that evening, she was coloring and then I couldn't find her and she was trying to hang up her art work in the bathroom! ha! so smart!
-such a copy cat!
-she knows we pray holding hands before each meal, and she says amen at the end of prayers
-not into veggies.. but then again, who is?
- smoothies and naked drinks for our veggie intake
- turkey sausage
- goat cheese
- cheese sticks
Other Notes:
-you can ask her where she put something (like her bow or the dustpan, etc) and she can go find it (even if we have no idea where she put it)
- size 4 diaper
-size 4 shoe
- fits in things 12+ months, mostly 18m pants due to length
- 6 teeth- 4 on top, 2 on bottom ( i keep thinking a molar is coming!)
- "ba" or paci only when sleeping or if fussy in the car
- fav thing to sleep with- green blankie
-naps about 2-3hrs after school (12-2ish)-- not always at the same time each day
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