Saturday, December 14, 2013

What's Been Going On

Last week was a fun week. We went to target and got some items to make some goodies for the neighbors. Kins helped me put pretzels in white chocolate and coat them in sprinkles. Then we went to a couple doors to hand them to the neighbors and say Merry Christmas. The Lord has been calling me to step out of my land of comfort and actually love on my "neighbors." I started literally. I LOVE doing nice things for people but typically from afar. I much rather leave something in their mailbox BUT I felt so good after and a little more bold. Thankful for two little munchkins as my sidekicks too.

My mom picked the girls and I up for their Dr. appts last Wednesday. You might wonder why Kins had one at 2 1/2... oh that's because I am always late and just getting around to her 2-year old appointment. Maclaren didn't have to get any shots. Kinsley got Hep A shot, flu nasal mist, and a vision screening. She did great! I'm not sure she will ever want to go back though.

1 month- Maclaren is 10lbs 3.6oz, 67%
length: 22" 80%
head: 38cm 85%

2.5yrs- Kinsley is 25lbs 6.4oz 12%
height: 2' 10.75" 22%
head: 47.5cm 32%

Kinsley went to Shuggy's house to make some holiday treats and Maclaren and I ran to Trader Joes and Walgreens to pick up some things. It was a new adventure and the weather was beautiful. We even took a walk.

We went to Toys r us thursday. First time alone with both the girls at a new place (our go to's are target and harris teeter). I put Maclaren in the stroller and Kinsley walked. The both did great until we got in the car and I had to nurse and Kinsley didn't want to be in her seat. Melt-down.

Friday we had a cookies and milk playdate at our house. I was surprised at how "smoothe" it went. I was exhausted after, but we all had fun! Maclaren slept a good bit and allowed my hands to be free to help with icing and sprinkles. Kinsley loved having her friends over to play. And I always love getting together with their mommies.

Kinsley likes to sit by the mamaroo when Maclaren is sleeping and read her books. 

At night, Kinsley's new favorite book is "Mommy's book" aka my little childrens Bible my mom just sent home with her. She has learned one verse completely and another one with some help. She can memorize anything with a little hand motions and word emphasis ;)

We also read Barney Bear's Pizza Shop (given to aunt B from Ms. Kathy). 

I love waking up to a great cup of coffee.. a midday cappucino, and a nighttime hot chocolate. Too much? I think NOT! Being a mom of two is quite an adjustment and each day deserves a couple rewards.

Timing and prioritizing things are an adjustment as well. I just got used to doing everything on my "list" with a toddler. Now with a toddler AND a newborn I can't just run out to the grocery store to pick up something quick or surf the web or go to the bathroom alone. I love the times I can get a shower by myself or sneak off to the tanning bed for a few minutes. AH-mazing! I get overwhelmed and cry sometimes at not being able to get things done. I'm thankful for my hubby that helps in every way he can and goes on the grocery trips to get my list checked off or puts work off to hold Maclaren so I can shower or even just asks if there's anything I need. I'm Lucky.

I have started trying to be OKAY with only getting ONE thing done. Two is awesome, but it is temporary and I need to enjoy these moments. A lot of my day is changing diapers, taking a toddler to the potty, nursing, making breakfast, lunch and dinner, washing clothes that got poop on them, nursing again, reading books and putting kiddos down for naps, singing and trying to put up things with one arm only to find them out again a few minutes or hours later, running the dishwasher, etc, etc PHEW! 

Being a mom is a hard job! And you don't even get paid! It is the most selfless, frustrating, amazing, wonderful, confusing, rewarding things I've ever experienced. I love every moment... even the ones I'm throwing Kinsley in the tub while sitting on the floor nursing a babe, closing my eyes and letting tears run down my face thinking I can't do it, or I did it wrong, or I could have been better. 

When Kinsley tells me I'll always be her friend, or hugs me when I apologize for getting upset with her, or just wants ME I can't help but thank God for this gift. The beauty of unconditional love. A picture perfect scenario. Grace. Mercy. Love. 

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