So I decided that I need to break away from cosleeping with Kinsley and get her into her big girl crib... my friend Sarah told me some tips she used to move her daughter Bryleigh into the big girl bed time routine.
I fed her baby food the first night (can't remember if it was carrots or sweet potatoes) about 8pm. We then headed upstairs for bath time. At about 8:30 we turned off the lights and turned on a dim table light on the floor.... (I should really invest in a night light haha). She nursed and rocked til 9ish while we listened to her Bible lullaby cd. At about the 4th or 5th song, I got up and put her in her crib. She woke up a little and I tried to get her back to sleep but no such luck. I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight and left the room.
10mins passed and she was not only crying but pretty much screaming. I knew as soon as I went in there and picked her up, she'd stop, so I let her cry it out. After about 10mins (which was a LONG time), I went in there, picked her up and comforted her as much as I could without giving up and taking her back to our room. After about 10 mins of bouncing and swaying, I put her back in the crib and tried to leave once again. She cranked her attitude up again. At 9:45ish, I didn't hear a peep through the monitor so I went to check on her... BAD IDEA.
I opened the door and she peered through the slats and cranked that tude up again. Ughhh that's when I realized the benefits of a video monitor. She finally fell asleep about 10pm and of course we were already in bed too by then. I could barely sleep at first, just thinking about how I forgot to take off the bumper and wondering if she was only quiet because she couldn't breathe or something horrible. Before I got too worked up, I realized that she was in God's hands and I had to TRUST that he would take care of her and take care of me no matter what was going on inside that room. I finally fell asleep and drifted off into a hard sleep for the first time in 5 months.
I woke up and freaked out because she wasn't in my room and I almost forgot I even had a baby... it was the weirdest feeling ever! It might have been about that time, Gray was getting up for work and she woke up about 6:30am. Pretty good - 8.5 hrs of sleep the very first night away.
The next night she went down great! But woke up at 12:30am.. I went in her room (totally forgetting what it was like to have to wake up in the middle of the night to go in the nursery to feed her).. and pulled her out of bed to rock and feed her. The smile she gives when I come in her room is priceless and is almost worth the loneliness for a bit. She fell right back asleep and slept until 8:30.
The fourth night was awful again- crying on and off inbetween me going in there and trying to put her back down. Hearing her cry herself to sleep is one of the worst things to hear.
Then she started going to sleep about 8:30 and waking up at 6:30am but I'd get her when she woke up and pull her back in bed with me and we'd go back to sleep until 9:30. Which was awesome.
Then the stupid time changed ugh. Got naps and everything off track. She started going to bed at 7:30am now, but wakes up at about 5:30 or 6 and wants to stay up for an hr or so before she'll go back to sleep.
Tonight when I was rocking her little chunk of a baby, I teared up thinking about how she has grown so fast. She used to be just a tiny little 6lb baby learning to nurse and we didn't even really know each other. Now she's 15+ lbs sleeping in her own room all by herself. Ahhh time flies. I love that little girl!
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