Thursday, September 13, 2012

15 months

6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom)
fave things:
*she loves to sing "if you're happy and you know it" and she like to clap, stop, point to her face, raise her arms and shout "amen" (or her version of it)
*she waves bye when we leaver her room for the night- all the way til we are out the door
*She has a little mermaid book that doesn't have any words... so i decided just to sing the "ahhh ahh ahh" song that ariel does and now every time she gets the book out, she starts singing that ha
* she likes to re-organize the fridge. She takes all of the condiments out of the bottom row, and sets them up all on the kitchen floor... then puts some in cabinets and some in her chair
*she's been going to school with me- she cried when I dropped her off, but was smiling and playing contently when I picked her up
* We switched to the early service at church and daddy is now the only one that drops her off
* she loves organic vanilla milk
* she has a cute lunch box she takes to school
* she's a copy cat... if you cough, she'll cough

Fave Toys: Every book, pottery barn chair, condiments, baby dolls, and bubble

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