Sunday, March 23, 2014

2 mile stones

Maclaren had TWO milestones today--or maybe this weekend (it's been a long day).
*She reached for me
*She rolled from back to tummy

We got Kinsley's walker/car from the storage unit (along with piles of clothes) and put Maclaren in it for the first time. She scoots back and actually took a could tiny steps forward in it. She definitely likes to rotate toys and never stays content in just one thing.

Working is hard. I am typically standing at my desk, typing and editing one-handed, bouncing a baby on my hip. It's like 30 minutes of email replies, editing, or other work turns into 6 hours- no joke. It's only for a time. Maclaren's such a mommy's girl that even when I have help, it is often more frustrating hearing or knowing she's crying and just wanting me. It's a love-hate relationship with separation anxiety.

Things that have helped this month:
*Gray running errands for me when he knows he's going out of town and I might not be getting out the next day
* Gray getting up with the first girl that wakes up- trying to give me a little more time to sleep
* My mom coming over 1-2 times to spend special time with kinsley and doing potty clean-up duty and snack time
* Getting out in the morning on nice days-- doing things away from the home gives me the time to focus on the girls and makes the day not seem to drag
* Gripe Water

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Interview with Kinsley | 34m

1. What is something that mommy says to you?
"i don't know"

2. What makes you happy?
"my dora"

3. what makes you sad?
"your show"

4. what makes you laugh?

5. how old are you?

6. How old is mommy?

7. How old is daddy?

8. What's your favorite thing to do?
"write.. i'm writing right now!"

9. Who is your best friend?

10. What are you really good at?

11. What did you do today?
"I go to shuggy's house"

12. What's your favorite food?

13. What is your favorite song?
"scooby doo"

14. What is your favorite color?

15. What's your favorite animal?

16. What did you dream about?
"the bwaves..daddy needs me to dream about the braves" (braves)

17. What's your favorite toy?
"play toys"

18. What's your favorite fruit?

19. What's your favorite book?
"jesus loves me"

20. What's your favorite thing to do outside?
"kick the ball"

4 months!

We have a 4 month old on our hands! Crazy because I keep thinking she's still a newborn.

- rolls from tummy to back
- sleeps in her crib at night
- still eats every 3 hrs (even at night ugh!)
-3-6m clothes
- goes to bed at 9
- coos and tries to grab things she wants
- likes to keep moving

I'm excited to introduce rice cereal at night to see if that will sit on her stomach more.

I just got an ergo baby carrier for quick trips and times I need both my hands. So far she likes it. Fell asleep in it, too. The support is great and she feels much more secure than in a wrap or sling. It's lightweight so I don't get hot either. Only drawback is she can't face forward, but it does have an on the hip option.

She's been fussy with no fever the past week or so. She might be teething. I doubt a tooth will come through anytime soon but she bites her hands and drools. She wanted to be held all day and me not to sit down. Hence the need for the ergo. We gave her her first dose of infant advil today and it seemed to help.

4.5 month stats:
15lbs 10.8oz- 75%
26in- 90%

Kinsleys 4.5 stats:
4 1/2 month stats:
weight:15lbs 10.5 oz (75%)
height: 25in (75%)
head circumference: 40cm (25-50%)

Mommy stats-
114lbs- 5 more to go! Our 90 day health challenge we started on Jan 1 is almost up at the end of this month.. we took before pics, so I'm excited to see any changes. I have been doing reformer pilates once a week and running or walking (about 2 miles) once a week. Plus chasing a toddler and holding a 15lb baby!