Sunday, March 23, 2014

2 mile stones

Maclaren had TWO milestones today--or maybe this weekend (it's been a long day).
*She reached for me
*She rolled from back to tummy

We got Kinsley's walker/car from the storage unit (along with piles of clothes) and put Maclaren in it for the first time. She scoots back and actually took a could tiny steps forward in it. She definitely likes to rotate toys and never stays content in just one thing.

Working is hard. I am typically standing at my desk, typing and editing one-handed, bouncing a baby on my hip. It's like 30 minutes of email replies, editing, or other work turns into 6 hours- no joke. It's only for a time. Maclaren's such a mommy's girl that even when I have help, it is often more frustrating hearing or knowing she's crying and just wanting me. It's a love-hate relationship with separation anxiety.

Things that have helped this month:
*Gray running errands for me when he knows he's going out of town and I might not be getting out the next day
* Gray getting up with the first girl that wakes up- trying to give me a little more time to sleep
* My mom coming over 1-2 times to spend special time with kinsley and doing potty clean-up duty and snack time
* Getting out in the morning on nice days-- doing things away from the home gives me the time to focus on the girls and makes the day not seem to drag
* Gripe Water

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