Saturday, July 27, 2013

26 weeks, 2 days

26 weeks, 2 days
Size of a Cucumber
15in, 2.2lbs

Total weight gain +23lbs, 132lbs blahh

Today we sold Kinsley's crib... I told Gray I wasn't going to tell the buyer I was pregnant if she didn't notice because I thought it would look bad - why would be selling a perfectly good crib? I hear the lady outside ask Gray if we were planning on having anymore kids.. he says "no" while i say "i'm actually due in october".. AWKWARD.

I managed to tell her that we didn't want Kinsley to feel like baby sister was taking all her things, so we decided to get a different crib. Kinda true, but really I just like shopping and new things.

We went to the gym and signed up for a membership on Monday. We went 4 days in a row plus the waterpark on Wednesday. That has been such pick-me-up for my day. The Hills has been playing on MTV retro brunch so I make sure to go and do 35min on whatever machine has a tv then some weights or weight machines. Kins has a blast in the childcare. She didn't cry once or act too attached when getting dropped off. She plays with dolls, makes art work and plays with other kids.

She loved the waterpark but we definitely have to invest in this little inner tube with arm floaties thing that all the other little kids were wearing. I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to go down the toddler water slide with her but oh well. ha!

We are trading a lot of things out around the house.. decluttering, cleaning, donating and selling on craigslist. We've been working on this for a while. Today we purchased a new desk for Gray and a new small buffet for the dining room. My cookbooks and serving plates have been all over the dining room table since my sis came back to claim our coffee station/storage.

Lauren and I took the girls consignment shopping at a trade show on Friday. They didn't have much but I did manage to get a couple cute things for baby girl. I also have bought the cutest headbands and a couple things from baby gap with a giftcard from my parents. They are ADORBS! I'm SO happy fall stuff is finally coming out!

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