Tuesday, July 23, 2013

JULY | 24/25 weeks preg

Our Beach Sched
8:30-9am wake up
drink coffee
watch hills
11am go to beach
1:30pm come in for showers and lunch
2:30/3 nap for kins and mommy and daddy go walking 
5pm kins wakes up
7:30pm dinner
8:45-9pm bed time for kins- rock and read 4-5 books, sing amazing grace, twinkle twinkle, sunshine and baby bunting, give kisses

She loved sleeping in the pack-n-play.. not sure if she liked being back in confined space or if she was just exhausted at the end of the day. The week leading up to our trip was a nap/sleep nightmare. No naps and temper-tantrums at bed time. All since the "big girl" bed of course and having the freedom to get up and come out.

We weren't sure how to get back on a earlier schedule (because we save a lot of work to do after Kins goes to bed and if she doesn't go to bed til 9, I'm not far behind her haha).  Luckily, she has been taking good 2 hr naps, and bed times are falling around 8pm (still playing around with the best time) and she's in a mommy-only phase. I love Gray for trying to give me a break and spending hours trying to put her down. He rocks and reads and sings and she always tricks him into getting "one more hug" from mommy ha.

We joined the Y the monday we got back and it is HEAVEN. I love that I can go or not go or leave or only stay for 10mins or whatever without having to be so committed to childcare. She loves playing with new toys and other kids, and I think it is helping with some of the attachment issues (but not really).. mainly just giving me a little bit of a break, a little boost of energy, and a little feeling better about myself in this stage of preg.

25 weeks
size of an eggplant
9.2in, 2lbs

bunnies for nursery mobile, crocheted blanket by grammy now in kinsley's big girl bed, fun with ansley!

25 weeks, onesies for baby girl and gift for friend

nursery stage... lots of changes to come and still figuring out placement

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