Tuesday night I had bleeding, not spotting, but blood with clotting. TMI for some, but for a mom this news is dreadful! I called Gray to come upstairs immediately for his thoughts on why there was bleeding. I started freaking out... crying, shaking, thinking all of the worst possibilities.
Here we have a beautiful nursery, excitement in the air, and the thought of it never receiving our baby girl was absolutely ripping out my heart.
We called the Doctor immediately, and they advised to come in to Labor and Delivery if the blood continued, or to come in to the OBGYN office first thing in the morning.
In the MORNING?!??! I wanted to know what was wrong NOW! I wanted to make sure she was still alive. I wanted to make sure she wasn't coming THIS soon. Everything I googled and read in my expectant mothers books were so extreme. It seemed like I was either losing the baby or she was going to come extremely early.
Thank goodness there was no more blood. Gray reassured me that if the doctor thought it was THAT big of an emergency there would have been no recommendation of waiting. He prayed over us and that God's will would be done. That's a hard prayer to pray.
About 30minutes later, I felt her move. I was overwhelmed with joy!! She was in there, ALIVE, and I was soooo happy! We both were so excited to feel her kicking a squirming around.
The next morning, we both called out of work and showed up at the Dr's only to hear that we would have to come back in a couple of hours because the doctors were in surgery. SERIOUSLY!? We came back at 11 and they checked her heartbeat and everything sounded perfect. I teared up hearing those tender little beats of my baby's living heart.
Everything else was checking out fine. Finally an available Doctor stepped in to check things out further. She found I had a bacterial infection that was causing my cervix to be ultra-sensitive, and after going to a spin class the day before, a blood vessel had ruptured. What a relief! If it hadn't been treated, it could have led to premature labor! I got MORE pills and I have to take it easy for the next two weeks at the gym.
I'm just SO glad it wasn't blood from the baby. I'm so thankful that I still have a little punkin in there and she's happy and healthy. Every time I feel her move now, it's indescribable.
The Bump at 25 weeks: