34 weeks and counting! She is about 5lbs by now (so my book says) and the Dr says I'm measuring right on track. This week in What to Expect, baby should be moving down/ dropping soon. Her head has been facing down, in the right position for exit since 30 weeks, but dropping won't happen until 35-37 weeks.
I learned at the Dr.'s today that we'll find out in two weeks if I'm dialated at all or effaced and if the head has dropped any. The Dr. also said that they will let me go up to 12 days past my due date if I haven't naturally gone into labor yet, putting me at May 24th... but if I go into labor at 36 weeks they'd let me go... so hopefully the sooner the better with my sis's wedding being the 27th!
Everyone's number one question is "How are you feeling?" I guess I'm feeling pretty good... for a pregnant person. No sickness, no swelling, no odd cravings etc. But I'm definitely not the person that just LOVES being pregnant. I feel tired, I hate putting on clothes, my bras won't let me breathe, and muscle aches make me feel so old and brittle. I'm just so ready for my baby-kins to be here!
Baby shower is this weekend and I'm so excited to see friends and family! I'm nervous that everyone will want to get clothes, instead of the things we need, but I guess at least she'll be stylin and we'll save money there!
Nursery and closet are on the honey-do list for the weekend, so hopefully we'll have the shelves up and the chandelier hung and everything organized.
I can STILL sleep on my tummy whew-hew! and I am LOVING my mama mio tummy rub better than ever! My crazy dreams I could do without, though.
It's been fun talking to all my pregnant friends, but starting mid/end of april all of them will start having their babies and I can't wait to make baby play-dates!
Here's the Bump at 34 weeks:
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