Friday, September 27, 2013

35 weeks, 1 day

35 weeks
size of a large cantaloupe
19-22in, 6lbs

Total Weight Gain +31lbs, 140lbs!

Today I had the last of my bi-weekly appointments! Next week starts my weekly visits and exams. Crazy! Baby's heart beat was 152 (probably a little lower since I didn't drink my coffee yet haha). Measuring at 35 weeks and everything looks good!

I totally forgot to document some things along the way. I like to look back at the past pregnancy and
compare when things happened. So here's a little questionnaire I'll try to answer when I post:

Maternity clothes? yes- typical go to outfit- my black legging jeans from Gap, Maternity tank from gap, 

and a sweater... or gym clothes or jammies when I'm home or want to be comfy

Stretch marks? slightly on my hips, but i think you see them when you start shrinking back down more -- last time I only got some behind my knees?! and a couple on my forearms WEIRD

Sleep? I have a little insomnia thinking about all the things I need to do. Getting up 2-3 times a night to pee doesn't help. I have started taking naps with kins.  The house doesn't REALLY need cleaning right?!

Movement? Yes! I feel like she has no room. I can see the bed shake sometimes when she makes a punch or kick that shakes my body. Can other people see this?? ha

Food cravings? None really... I have some desires to eat french fries and a cinnabon but who doesn't?

Gender? hopefully still a girl :) 

Labor Signs? I have braxton hicks more than with Kins. Especially when I exercise, walk, and late afternoon. 

Belly Button in or out? Out... Luckily some of these tops hold it in. I don't care enough to invest in the tape to hold it in haha. 

What I miss? Feeling skinny. I love when I used to see results from eating well or working out... now no matter what I still feel heavy and gain weight. 

What I am looking forward to?  Seeing what she looks like (hair color, eye color, etc); the nursery being completed; the pink deer head I ordered coming in; Seeing Kinsley's reaction to our own baby (she LOVES babies)

Best moment this week? Getting compliments on my hair and for being "tiny"... people really know how to make you feel good whether you believe it or not it's still good to hear

Milestones? I am almost through the heat of the summer! Nursery stencil done, shelves put up, and Starting weekly exams next week! 

Other Notes: That line that some women get has faintly appearing the whole way down my stomach

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Maclaren's Shower & Nursery; 34 weeks

Mawmaw Snider sent me some pics from the baby shower my friends, Lauren and Sarah, threw for baby Maclaren. We had the shower September 7, 2013 at Amelie's French Bakery close to Noda. I love that little place! I just scanned them in to post them on my blog. I totally forgot to even snap some i-phone pics so i'm so glad that she always has her camera. Here are some pics of the attendees, set-up, and some of the gifts. Aunt Donna made matching towels and hand towels with pink monograms for the girls. I also got a hamper, Boden dresses, Boden mittens and hat, swaddler, crocheted blanket, adorable headbands, and lots of other goodies!

34 weeks

34 weeks

34 weeks
Pregnant with Kinsley at 34 weeks

Friday, September 6, 2013

32 weeks

32 weeks
19in, 4.5lbs

Likes: Baby shower tomorrow!, kettle corn popcorn, shopping, sleep, leaves falling and other signs that fall is on its way (hopefully), the days I run/exercise and eat good
Dislikes: insomnia and Kinsley waking up at 5am, when I eat bad, sneezing on a full bladder, this summer heat, i feel like i can't grow anymore

SO excited that I have sweet friends that are throwing me and Maclaren an undeserving baby shower at Amelies! I'm excited to get a small group together to celebrate our second baby girl! She definitely deserves to be celebrated and I get more and more excited about her arrival each day! I have finally made up my mind on some nursery plans/ decor and now i'm just in the process of saving up to purchase the big things (crib, stroller, deer head (haha), bedding, and some other things). I keep thinking we have all this time, but then each week that passes I get a little nervous about having things done. I know that once the baby comes, there would be no more desire or rush to get things "finished."

Hubs says "only two more months!" and I like to say, "I'm due next month" sounds a lot better huh? Why the heck do people say you are pregnant 9 months when really it is more like 10? I'm 32 weeks but I feel like 36. But this baby can't come early because I have lots to do! I'm pretty scared/ nervous about going "into labor." It's so weird that things could be totally different this pregnancy/ delivery than the first. I feel like I know what to expect with an induction, but any other way freaks me out if I think about it.

A little about Kinsley

Kinsley has a couple favorite hiding spots- her kitchen's microwave, our actual toaster oven, and inside her piano. Most of the time she will tell you where she's hidden things but once she goes to bed and I've realized my keys or phone is missing, I can most likely find them in one of those places

She wants to do whatever mommy does.

she wants an exercise bike like mommy's

She wanted to wear high heels when we were "working out" with a dvd yesterday

Fav songs- "peanut butter", "nutella", (made up songs that all have the same tune but different words), "baby bunting", "Jesus loves the little children", "goodnight Kinsley"

Fav books- little critter books Grammy started reading to her... she sneaks them home and it is a "must" read at night

Fav sayings- "i LOVE ____ (that song), (that food), (that color)" emphasizing the love in a funny dramatic way
- "Hey.. who put ___ on the floor" or whatever she notices different when she walks back into a room"
- That's my favorite!
-oh ok

kins: "mommy what are you wearing on your feet?"
me: shoes
kins: no, mommy, HIGH HEELS

Fav things:
-bubble guppies is her life
- reading books and stacking them in a neat pile
- baby dolls

She is starting to be more into dressing up in play clothes/ shoes/ hats/ mommys clothes/ etc... I think it has to do with the little critter book talking about the little girl dressing in mommy's clothes haha
Pics Below are of our first day of school, daddy's new work set-up, our 3rd anniversary in asheville, and Matthews Alive