Friday, September 6, 2013

A little about Kinsley

Kinsley has a couple favorite hiding spots- her kitchen's microwave, our actual toaster oven, and inside her piano. Most of the time she will tell you where she's hidden things but once she goes to bed and I've realized my keys or phone is missing, I can most likely find them in one of those places

She wants to do whatever mommy does.

she wants an exercise bike like mommy's

She wanted to wear high heels when we were "working out" with a dvd yesterday

Fav songs- "peanut butter", "nutella", (made up songs that all have the same tune but different words), "baby bunting", "Jesus loves the little children", "goodnight Kinsley"

Fav books- little critter books Grammy started reading to her... she sneaks them home and it is a "must" read at night

Fav sayings- "i LOVE ____ (that song), (that food), (that color)" emphasizing the love in a funny dramatic way
- "Hey.. who put ___ on the floor" or whatever she notices different when she walks back into a room"
- That's my favorite!
-oh ok

kins: "mommy what are you wearing on your feet?"
me: shoes
kins: no, mommy, HIGH HEELS

Fav things:
-bubble guppies is her life
- reading books and stacking them in a neat pile
- baby dolls

She is starting to be more into dressing up in play clothes/ shoes/ hats/ mommys clothes/ etc... I think it has to do with the little critter book talking about the little girl dressing in mommy's clothes haha
Pics Below are of our first day of school, daddy's new work set-up, our 3rd anniversary in asheville, and Matthews Alive

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