I am DYING to meet my baby girl! Especially when I get cute outfits for her. Shug let me get some of the cutest things i've ever seen off Etsy to go with Kinsley's dress for Beth's wedding (may 27th)! I can't wait to put her in EVERY outfit she owns and take pics. Yes, I am going to be one of THOSE moms... but who would have thought any different ;)
No new updates, really. Just truckin along, playing that waiting and wishing game. Everything is still perfect at the doctor, and on track for a perfectly healthy baby they are estimating to weigh in the low 7lbs. Crazy! I really thought I'd (and MAYBE I still will) have a little 5 pounder haha. Guess it's not too bad considering the horror story of the 11 pound baby I saw someone had- now THAT'S insane.
I RE-packed the hospital bag today. I made sure to have a couple outfit options for baby K with matching bows/bonnets/ or headbands.
I've been learning that the delivery date of Baby is not in the hands of men. Whether people are wishing she's late or wishing she's early doesn't matter. God has the perfect date already in mind. I have to keep looking to Him, instead of the way I feel or else my problems become bigger than I can handle. I'm sure all you other pregnant people can relate to how irritating it is when people assume what happened to THEM in labor will happen to YOU. So far my pregnancy has been completely different than all the other pregnant people I know, and they are all different from each other. I'm learning to just be content with the way God planned this out for ME.
I am also becoming OBSESSED with clothes and window-shopping. For some reason, clothes you can once again fit into very soon, become that much more appealing. I cannot WAIT to get back to normal clothes that aren't showing a bump, my cycle classes, sgt roy kickboxing, and tanning. All in due time, but after 9+ months of none of this, it's like Christmas to me, but BETTER.
For the 1st 6 weeks I can't work out which will be sooo annoying, but I'm sure I will be breaking that rule a little and at least putting Kinsley in her adorable cow stroller to take strolls around the neighborhood as soon as I have some energy. I'm still managing to get 30min-1hr in at the gym at 39+ weeks and it feels great!
They won't induce until 13 days past my due date (which is may 25th!), so keep praying she'll come soon! We've got some great things coming up in the month ahead!
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