Sunday, November 17, 2013

Meet Maclaren Rose- Her Birthday

I was scheduled to go into the hospital to start the induction process 1 week over due on Nov. 7th. We went to dinner for a "last meal" pre-baby and pre-no food induction rule at Macaroni Grill. I had been having some contractions that day that weren't too painful but just uncomfortable. I didn't have any contractions that I couldn't bear with Kinsley, so I wasn't quite sure of what I was feeling. I just assumed I would know when the time came.

Well, the time came around 8pm. We had just gotten home from dropping off Kinsley at Grammy and Poppy's house. I started packing my hospital bag knowing that I didn't have too much time and I didn't think I could wait until the morning. I had no idea what to wait for or when to call. So I turned to google and started texting some friends about when I should call. I started timing my contractions and they were about 3-4 mins apart and getting stronger...sometimes hard to breathe. The phone call led to them telling me to come on in.

We had no idea where "come on in" meant. The doors to the part my OBGYN is connected to was closed and the only thing open with lights on was the ER. So we headed that way. My contractions came and went and I was pretty calm and still wanted to walk. This other lady came in behind me pretty much screaming. I think everyone thought I was going to be sent home.

As soon as I got set up in the room, the Dr. came in and wanted to break my water. I wanted the epidural first. That took FOREVER to wait on. My contractions got so painful I was in tears. I didn't think I could do it. I have NO IDEA how people go without it. Maybe if they have a quick labor? I was about 7cm by the time I got my water broke and the last 3cm seemed to take FOREVER. 

We arrived at 10pm to the ER and stayed up the whole night waiting for miss Maclaren to enter the world. Finally, at 5:08am, Maclaren Rose was born 7lbs 5oz, 20 in long, crying loud and already suckling. She has dark blue-gray eyes and brown hair. 

Last time, with Kins, I was excited they saw hair... this time I was excited that my stomach felt "SO much better" haha. 

I'm already obsessed with this little girl. 

Here are the i-phone pics:

 Welcome to the Porter family Maclaren!

Her newborn pics I did can be viewed HERE.

We are having family photos taken next weekend so we will be sure to post those as well!

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